Thursday, April 28, 2011

iPhone4 Art: Snapshooter

Advocate spokesperson for Apple products is not in my job description however I do have years of experience with camera phones and I must say that the iphone4 camera trumps all competition.

As I was browsing through my photos, I knew I had to share some of the great benefits to owning this camera phone. Another reason, lately I've had the desire to actually purchase a camera to call my own. I sampled quite a few professional cameras such as the Canon, Sony and Nikon and realized that the photos from my iphone are actually just as great.

During my research for my camera purchase, I discovered the different classification of photographers such as a Snapshooter. According to Ken Rockwell Ken Rockwell, “Snapshooters who are graphic artists or otherwise visually literate people often make fantastic images that impress everyone. These snapshooters are artists and don't even realize it. Believe it: it's the photographer who makes an image, not a camera. Snapshooters use point-and-shoot and disposable cameras, which give the same excellent results as the Leicas, Nikons, Canons and Contaxes used by everyone else.” Would I label myself as an artist? NAY! But I do share common traits as Ken describes and can only aspire to be.

Another discovery I made during my research is that I am not alone in iphone photography. A well-known artist in the industry, Chase Jarvis features iphone photos as one of his credentials in his art portfolio. Check his link. Chase Jarvis  Figuratively-speaking, his work of art is Goliath compared to my David-skills. Nonetheless, his Goliath skill only motivates and inspires me to be as great as he. But to go this long with just an iphone and create images just as great as a $900 or plus expensive camera, I say, not too bad. Not bad at all….

Enjoy the photos…

6th Avenue Gaslamp during our evening strolls

Mosiac to gaze upon during our dinners

Colorado Sunrise - 2011 Road Trip

Coronado Sand/Surf Time

Maple Wrapped Potato - my culinary creation

The Black Sea (in our jacuzzi)

Sunset on the P.C.H. on the Harley
 Morning stroll to & from home/work

Woodrow & Jessie Bessie

Poolside at the condo

 Our rejuvenator juice

Mom's backyard BBQ

Winds of Morro Bay, CA
Daily Grind Outfit

4th of July on our balcony

Monday, April 25, 2011

Desert Treasure: Anza-Borrego

Bay sulking in the scenery
Barrel Cactus

Buckhorn Cholla

Surviving Desert Lily

Ocotilla Cactus
Panoramic Trail

Just Do It!
So much more to discover here, this is only a glimpse....
My curiosity of Anza-Borrego could not be more fulfilled with the short visit I made this past weekend. I managed to convince my best friend Bay to come along and enjoy the scenic route with me. I must give credit to an old friend (Ning) for sharing her visit there thus inspiring my visit to formulate my own assessment.

I have been on many hikes but this one stands out on its own. Why? Well, first the drive there offers a preview for what you're about to take in. Your eyes will be enchanted by the beaming bed of flowers settling among the vast open land. How can something so simple be so beautiful?

Upon arriving, I will admit I was apprehensive on embarking this trail but that's just how I am with any hike I have NOT set foot in. As we proceeded further into the desert, my eyes couldn't stay still. The wildflowers were bursting in the midst of the desert waiting in tranquility for my awareness. I can identify why many have come here.

The hike on the panoramic trail is only a small fraction of the desert. However, when we reached close to the top of the trail, I noticed my ears were NOT being whistled by the wind anymore but this time it was a bird soaring right past us. I can still envision its colossal wings and how elegant it maneuvers in its' glide with the wind. I can’t recall the type of bird but its’ noise and presence left an impression on me.

I anticipate making several trips here again to relish what Anza-Borrego has to share. I can only hope the images I captured stimulates interests as it did for me. Enjoy! =)


Tuesday, April 19, 2011

"The Meaning of Triumph"

Alice (his mom) and James
 I have been meaning to give this person credit for what has been a great source of inspiration in my life. I've come across many people from different walks of life and thought I've heard and seen it all.

James continues to show me that I have obviously NOT seen or heard it all. In my line of work,  I observe many struggles that American families face today. However, I can't give enough tribute to James and his mother to remind me everyday why I chose my profession. The picture displayed above is what I have hung over my desk as a memorabilia to define "triumph". The picture captures only a glimpse of the love I watch between them.

My first encounter with Alice is one of the most touching experiences in my life. Before I met her, James shared many insightful stories of his mother and in meeting her the stories only intensified by her presence. His mother exudes such a powerful feeling of strength and nurturing that any child is lucky to have. I am touched by the stories I hear everyday at work and with this picture of Alice and James I am reminded the meaning of "triumph".

Friday, April 15, 2011

Hikings Accomplished and Yet to Conquer

Rocky Mountains, Colorado. November 2010.

Yosemite September 2010 - Nevada Falls.

Estes Park, Colorado - November 2010

My desire to discover the worlds' beauty, I've come to recognize is NOT in solitude. I'm grateful to share this journey with others that identify the same drive as mine. I've yet to conquer Half Dome at the Yosemite but this will be conquered this coming summer or next if our schedule permits.
Yellowstone in Montana is next on my list to conquer which gives me more reason to visit James's parents more often. Killing two birds with one stone, right?  Yellostone and Mount Rainier has been permeating in my mind for quite some time. Eventually my desire to execute this next course of action is only a matter of time.

The accomplished trails I've had the privilege to imprint my footsteps are only the beginning of my journey ahead of me. This blog is dedicated to share with those that possess similar desires. Empowerment is achieved when overcoming any obstacles.

Boulder, Colorado - October 2009.